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This is Biohacking

Oct 5, 2022

TruAge is an epigenetic biological age test developed by TruDiagnostic and top epigenetic researchers.

Our biological age is our body’s approximate cellular & molecular age, independent from chronological age. It's a number that can change due to lifestyle and other health factors, along with inheritance and pressures...

Sep 21, 2022

On this episode, we have special guest, Catharine Arnston,  Founder and CEO of ENERGYbits®, Shark Tank Contestant and expert on the health benefits of algae on the show. 

Catharine's story starts with her sister's journey in beating breast cancer with the help of algae. She found a passion for healing with this...

Sep 16, 2022

In this episode, Anna Beth and Alexa interview a very special guest and friend, who at a young age was able to understand the importance of setting boundaries. Boundaries not only help you, but they help the world and other humans understand tolerance and acceptance for the needs of others. Meet Shirley Barrera. 

Sep 7, 2022

Do you ever feel at peace when you’re barefoot with nature? That’s because you’re “Earthing” and actually practicing one of our favorite biohacks!

Check out this episode to learn about the science-backed health benefits of Earthing and the various ways you can practice it.  

Sponsor info: 
TiZO Skin Mineral...

Aug 31, 2022

Let's talk organic produce. Which foods should you buy organic and which foods can you skip?

We review the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) latest annual updates to the Dirty Dozen™ and Clean Fifteen™ produce list and unravel the harmful effects of pesticides found in much non-organic produce. 

Enjoy this short,...